The Asset Building for Clients Program promotes the development of important life skills and personal assets by helping youth explore their interests and find their voice. Using the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, Developmental Relationships, and Igniting Sparks as guiding frameworks, ABC offers programming in-school.

Find a Youth and Teen Service in Your Area

YTS - San Antonio

For over 70 years, Good Sam’s YTS programs have provided San Antonio’s west side youth with a safe environment where they can experience a sense of belonging, increased self-esteem, and positive peer influence.
  • Asset Building for Clients (ABC)
  • Camp Good Sam
  • College and Career Readiness (CCR)
  • Out-of-School Time (OST)
  • Youth Case Management (YCM)

YTS - Brownsville

Since 2015, Good Sam’s YTS programs have provided Brownsville youth a safe environment where they can experience a sense of belonging, increased self-esteem, and positive peer influence.
  • Asset Building for Clients (ABC)
  • Camp Good Sam
  • Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)