Our “home” of 73 years is supported by the Diocese, as well as other partners including local foundations, corporations, churches and individuals. Our other partnerships with the city, state, the United Way and other entities also focus on programs and services that alleviate health and educational inequity in its many forms. This past year we provided comprehensive services to more than 3,500 individuals and 1,100 families in San Antonio and South Texas.

Thank you to our partners and supporters that believe in the mission and vision! 

Betty Stieren Kelso Foundation
Anderson Chariatable Foundation 1
Dooley Foundation
EZ Bel Construction
Farm Bureau Bank
Fidelity Charitable
The Greehey Family Foundation
Hixon Properties
The Mays Family Foundation
Shield - Ayers Foundation
The Texas Cavaliers
United way
Valero energy foundation_color_stacked_250
West Pond Apartments